Corriboard — lightweight, strong, flexible, durable. Is this the perfect material?

There’s a reason why election posters are made with Corriboard! This technology has created a perfect material for semi-permanent outdoor signage. Carry ten large corriboards at a time? No problem; they weigh a few ounces each. Erect large signs unassisted? No problem, scissors and cable ties are all that’s needed. Need staying power? No problem, corriboard can withstand the Irish climate for weeks at a time. Our graphic designers are experts in creating eye-catching signage. Talk to Punctual Print about how best to utilise this fantastic material.



If signage installation is required, this is an area in which we excel. A sign is only as good as its installation after all. We’ve seen all too many perfectly adequate signs installed in the wrong places, which makes them totally ineffective. Our Signage Manager Mick has a great eye for where to position signage for optimum impact, whilst taking safety into account.  


Mick is a qualified and very experienced carpenter so you can relax in the knowledge that your signage will be very securely installed, Rest assured that our installation crew adheres to all the relevant health and safety regulations including working at height and Covid-19.